Many times, you would like to name your cat putting into consideration its appearance most especially the color of its fur.
If your cat is gray or white-furred or has both colors, some names you can give him/her include Jivu, Ajax, Stormy, Ash, Blanco, Mint, Hazy, Opal etc. The following is a complete list with meanings
Male Grey and White Cat Names

Ajax – this is a name of Greek origin that means white knight. It’s a suitable name for a white male cat.
Vulcan – this name means a dark shade of gray. This is suitable for a male cat with dark grey fur.
March – this is the third month of the year which is associated with a lot of colds and storms. This makes a perfect name for a dark grey cat as storms are often occurring when the clouds are dark gray.
Stormy – this name comes from the word storm. The name is of Old English origin and t refers to weather that has storms that are associated with dark gray clouds. A perfect name for your dark gray-colored male cat.
Lloyd – this name is of Welsh origin and it means gray hence very suitable for a gray furred male cat.
Yin – this is a Chinese name that means silver. Silver is a shade of grey color hence can be suitable for a gray male cat.
Jivu– this is a name of Swahili origin from East Africa which means ash. Ash is grey in color making this name perfect for a grey male cat.
Foggy – this name is of English origin derived from the name fog. Foggy is weather that brings blurry vision and it’s often grey.This is a perfect name for a male grey cat.
Misty– this is a name derived or formed from the name mist. The name is lovely and suitable for a lighter grey cat associating it with the beautiful grey mist that is often seen on a mountain or mist in general.
Granite- this name means a gray-colored stone that’s often used to make pencils. This name is so adorable for a male gray cat.
Steel – this is a name of Germanic origin which means blue-gray. Steel is a blue-gray metal. hence your gray cat can be named after this blue-gray metal especially if it has blue eyes.
Sterling – this is a name of English origin which means gray or silver. This is a perfect name for your cat that has light gray fur.
Albus- this name comes from the Latin word for bright or white making it a perfect white name for your cute male cat.
Alban – it’s a Latin name that means white. This name is derived from saint Alban who is said to be the first British Martyr and who was also sheltered in his house as a fugitive priest. This is a perfect white name that would be considered by someone who is religious and is looking for a white name for his cat.
Andri – this is a name that means white or snow and is of old Norse Origin. It is said to carry the meaning of the word snowshoe.
Blanco – this is a name of Spanish which is said to mean fair or white. A longer version of this name is Blanchard which means white in German.
Candide – the name Candide is known to originate from the French term for white. You can also hop to the Spanish version of the name which is Candido.
Columban – this is a name of Irish Origin which means white. The name is made up of two words colum which means dove and ban which means white.
Edur – this is a name of Basque origin which means snow.
Gavin – this is a name of Celtic origin which means white hawk. This is a perfect white name for a male cat that is always determined during hunting and has sharp vision.
Guin – this is a name of a Welsh origin which means white or blessed.
Kari – this is a name of Turkish Origin which means covered with snow.
Laban – this is a name of Hebrew origin which means white. Laban is a biblical name where laban was in the old testament as the father of Leah and Rachael.
Lixue – this is a Chinese name which means pretty snow.
Nas – this is a that has native American roots which that sounds modern that means snow.
Zane – this is an American name which means white as snow.
Yukio – this is a name of Japanese Origin which means snow.

Female Gray and White Cat Names
If you are blessed to have a white or grey female cat then I got your back and I have a few name suggestions for you. You don’t have to worry. The list of names is as follows.
Bianca– this is a name with an Italian origin which means white. This is a suitable name for a beautiful white female cat.
Mint – this is a beautiful name for a female cat with grey fur and green eyes.
Hazy – this name is of English origin. It means grey making it perfect for a grey female cat
Opal – opal is one of the most common gemstones and a birthstone of the month of
October- It’s often white or grey in color. This makes it suitable for a beautiful white or grey female cat. It can also be a wonderful name for a grey cat with white spots.
Fiona – this is a name of Scottish origin which means white. This makes it suitable for a white cat female name.
Alba– this is a name of roman origin which means white. This name is suitable for your female white cat.
Candace – this name is of Latin origin which means pure or white. This name is suitable for a white cat or a cat that is very calm and looks very pure or innocent.
Gauri – this name is of Sanskrit Origin which means white.
Ivory – this is a name of English origin which means white. This is a cute white name for your female cat.
Livna – this is a name with an Hebrew Origin which means white making it a suitable white name or a suitable name for a white cat.
Blanchefleur– this name is of French origin which means white flower. This makes it suitable as a white name for your cat. The name is cute and also adorable.
Daisy – this name is of English origin which means the white flower even if there are different shades of colors of daisies but at least we have white ones which makes this name a perfect name for your white cat.
Heather – this is a name of English origin which means a shade of grey just like the color of the heather plant.
Dove – this is a name of English origin which means warm gray or soft white with a hint of gray like the bird. Dove also means a white bird that symbolizes peace. This name can be used on a white cat since a dove is a white bird.
Gwen– this is a name of Welsh origin which means white. This is a perfect white name for your beautiful female cat.
Slate – this name is of old French and English origin means gray with a hint of blue, purple or green just like the rock. This name can be suitable for a cat that is gray with shades of green, or maybe a gray cat with blue eyes or green eyes.
Liadan – this is a name of Irish Gaelic origin which means grey lady. This name is perfect for your female gray cat.
Bela – this is a Russian or Czech name which means white. This name is short and easy to pronounce and even remember making it suitable for your pretty white female cat.
Blanche – this is a French name which means white and it has an exotic flair. This is a sweet name for your white cat. The name also varies in Spanish where it’s referred to as Blanca.
Eira – this is a name of the Welsh Origin which means snow. Snow is white making this name suitable for your cat.
Eirwen– this is a longer version of a Welsh name Eira. This name means blessed snow or white snow. Snow is known to be white hence making this name a perfect white name for your cat or a name for your white cat.
Guinevere– this is a classy name of English origin which means white. This name is also used to mean white phantom who was king arthur’s wife making this name even more perfect for your cat.
Janara – this name is from Roman mythology. It’s is the feminine version of the name Janus which is the name of the roman god of snow. If you are a lover of roman mythology and are on a hunt for a white name for your cat why not use this lovely name for your pretty cat.
Jennifer – this is a name of Cornish origin which means white wave or white shadow. It’s is a simple variation of the Welsh names Jenna. This is a very beautiful name for your cat.
Livna – this is a Hebrew name which means white. This is a rare name and is very unusual. This name is perfect for someone who loves unique things hence perfect if you need your cat to have a unique white name that very few cats have. Can be shortened to liv.
Marya – the name Marya, is of Arabic origin which means bright whiteness or purity. This is a suitable and melodious white name for your cat. The name can be given to a pure white cat too.
Miyuki – this is a name with Japanese roots which means beautiful snow or deep snow. This name is a beautiful name for your lovely white cat.
Neva – this name is of Spanish origin which means white snow. This is a great white name for your cat.
Neve– similar to the word Neva. This is a name of French origin which means white snow. An Adorable white name for your cat
Nieves – this is a name of Spanish origin that means lady of the snow. This is a white cute name for your female cat.
Rosalba – this name comes from Italy. The name Rosalba is comprised of the name Rosa and Alba which hence carry the meaning of the word white rose since rosa means rose and alba means white.
Olwen – this name is of Welsh roots and it means white footprint. This name can be given to a cat that loves walking around all the time. Olwen is also said to be the name of an Arthurian legend princess. It’s not such a bad idea to call your cat after a legend princess.
Xue – this name is of Chinese origin and it holds the meaning of snowfall. This name is short and easy for your cat.
Yukina– this name is of Japanese origin which means snow. This is a cute and adorable white name for your cat.
Zurine – this name is believed to be derived from the Basque word Zuri which means white. A perfect white name for your cat.

Unisex White and Grey Cat Names
Grey – this is a name of English origin. This name is from a surname which was originally given to someone with grey hair or who wore grey clothing. It’s adorable referring to your gray furred pet using its color.
Snowy – this is an English name from the word snow.
Whit – this name is of English origin which holds an old chim to it. This name means white and is a short and lovely name for your cat.
Storm – this is a name that means white or snow. It is a name with an English origin that is associated with snowstorms which bring into mind the whiteness of the snows and the snowy weather.
Nevada – this is a Spanish name suitable for both female and male cats that means snowcapped. We know snow is white hence making this a beautiful white name for your cat.
Blaze – this name is a wonderful opinion as a white name for your cat. It is an English name which means snow storms.

Grey/White Cat Breed Names
The following are breeds of cats that are either grey or white or have both colors.

- Nebelung
- Oriental
- Sphynx
- Sottish Fold
- Grey and White
- American Shorthair
- Korat
- British Longhair
- Devon Rex
- Munchkin
- British shorthair
- Cornish Rex
- Chartreux
- Exotic Shorthair
- Maine Coon
- Norwegian Forest cat
- Persian