At first glance, you’ll probably conclude the Friesian is just a black horse. But there’s more to the horse than you may think. They can have different coat colors including chestnut and the red gene.
Nonetheless, black is often the naming technique for Friesians. From black beauty to blackjack, Jett/ Jetta, coal, or just anything that resembles black. Other names you’ve probably heard of include black caviar, Ebony, Black Bean, and more.
If you’re looking for more intriguing, unique, and well-thought-of names, here’s a guide on the best names for your Friesian horse including some inspired by famous traditional horses.
Famous Friesian Horses Names
Below are some of the most popular names for Friesian horses.

- Army Nob
- Black Caviar – This is a famous Australian Thoroughbred mare who was undefeated in 25 races.
- Black Hawk – This solid black Morgan stallion is a very well-known sire.
- Black Widow
- BlackJack – Born in 1947, Black Jack was used in multiple funeral processions including that of President John F. Kennedy in 1963, and for Presidents Herbert Hoover and Lyndon Johnson, as well as Five-Star General Douglas MacArthur and countless other funerals at Arlington National Cemetery.
- Bucephalus – A special horse only rode by Alexander the Great
- Cass Ole – This famous black Arabian stallion played the lead role in the Black Stallion movies. He was also a national champion show horse.
- Frederik the Great 2012- known for his majestic beauty, loving personality and grand performances.
- Chocolate
- Coconut
- Copa / Copper
- Ghost
- Goliath – Black Friesian stallion in the movie, Ladyhawke.
- London
- Moulin Rouge
- On-X
- Petro
- Quo Vadis – She is well known for being a champion show mare as well as an excellent producer of champions.
- Ruffian – She is a Thoroughbred mare remembered for being an extremely fast mare who won every race except her last where she was injured and still tried to run even though she couldn’t.
- Skydancer – The black/purple mount of Stormy in the Rainbow Brite movie.
- Spider
- Sylvester
- Tagi
- The Black – The Black Stallion was made famous first by Walter Farley’s series of books and
- Top Moon – This Quarter Horse stallion earned his place in the hall of fame through his illustrious career as a top racehorse and an excellent sire of racehorses.
- Tornado – Tornado was the name of Zorro’s horse in the books and the television series
- Ursul
Other Good Names for a Black Friesian Horse
The following is a collection of some awesome names you can give your black stallion, mare or gelding.

Female Names
The name is not only astounding but beautiful too. It’s sourced by great people including one of the people involved in early NASA experiments.
A mystical female name for a dark-colored horse with jet black hair and dark eyes. Alternative names can be Bernadette or Bernada
Black Beauty
A classic name for a beautiful horse with famous horses named Beauty includes Black Beauty from the Anna Sewell novel and Adam Cartwright’s horse on the television show “Bonanza” that ran from 1959 to 1973.
The name comes from the mares of Diomedes. Back in the day, many names come from the sire or dam bloodline.
In Greek, this is the Queen of the gods. The leader and master of others.
Another great Roman goddess name. The wife of Jupiter. It befits a dark and powerful colt or foal.
This is one of the most successful Thoroughbred sires of the 20th century. The grandsire to Secretariat. The goodness should run through its name to the baby horse.
A sweet-tasting black and white cookie. Suitable for a dark Friesian with very little white markings on their coat.
This is the name of the second filly ever to win the Belmont Stakes. A prestigious name for a prestigious horse breed.
Another historical name, Varenne was Italy’s most famous harness horse. Very hard working and well known.
- Ashley
- Bailey
- Black beauty
- Black Pearl
- Bullet
- Char
- Chez Noir
- Cinderella
- Coco
- Cola
- Comics
- Cosmo
- Coven
- Dahlia
- Dot
- Ebony
- Ember
- Falcon
- Godiva
- Hershey
- Kalamata
- Leather
- Leopard
- Maggie / Magpie
- Morticia
- Nebula
- Olive
- Opal
- Panda
- Pepsi
- Puma
- Raisin
- Ravan / Raven
- Ruffian
- Sable
- Selena
- Vader
Male Names
The name comes from the Scottish name “Aonghas” to mean winner. The name has been used in cattle, dogs, and horses. Black Angus seems like a well-suited name.
From the famous animated comedy Flintstones, Bam is a happy and gracious name with an affinity for strength.
Black Hawk
The name is inspired by many things. From the famous black hawk to the name of a US Army helicopter.
Despite being the name of the biggest cities in Texas, Dallas also means a peaceful dwelling.
This is a famous mount of Napoleon and another very famous warhorse.
Noir means, “Black,” in French.
From Greek mythology, Pegasus is a famous winged horse known for its mortality and ability to fly.
Sargent / Sarge
A cool name for a helper. Sargent Reckless is a commemorated and decorated name of a warhorse that helped to carry ammunition and other supplies back and forth. It shows courage and bravery.
The secretariat is known for its strength and power. He had impeccable speed and always showed prowess on the race tracks. That’s a golden name for any Friesian horse.
A brave, strong, and tireless lord of horses who would go great distances and never tire. The name is great on a horse that’s resilient and relentless.
- Ace
- Ash
- Bagheera
- Baki
- Batman
- Beltza
- Blacky
- Black Tie
- Blackberry
- Carbon
- Charcoal
- Coal / Cole
- Cola
- Dark Knight
- Domino
- Dracula
- Drogon
- Dusty
- Elvira
- Elvis
- Graphite
- Guinness
- Hades
- Kuroi
- Leviathan / Levi
- Lucifer
- Madow
- Magic
- Melna
- Merlin
- Morticia
- Musta
- Mystery
- Nero
- Nimbus
- Ninja
- Obsidian
- Omen
- Onyx
- Pango
- Pepsi
- Phantom
- Pirate
- Preto
- Qara
- Ruger
- Schwarz
- Slim Shady
- Smoke / Smokey
- Sooty
- Sort
- Spider
- Stormy
- Swart
- Tarmac
- Thunder
- Tramac
- Twighlight
- Vader
- Voldemort
- Warlock
- Winchester
- Xap
- Zorro
Fun & Interesting Facts about Friesian Horse
- Friesian horses are one of the oldest horse breeds dating back to 1000 BC. They’re descendants of forest horses discovered by a Roman historian, Tacitus, in 55 – 120 AD. Friesians were brought to North America by the Dutch in the 1600s when the Dutch had control of New Amsterdam, now known as New York
- Friesian horses have once faced extinction despite being a popular breed in the 16th and 17th centuries. Their existence surged in the early 20th century when people started to focus on machinery rather than horses. It was noted that in 1913. There were only three Friesian horses in the home province of Friesland, Netherlands, their origin.
- Being one of the oldest breeds, they influenced the development of new breeds. These include the Oldenburger, Shire horse, and smaller ponies such as Fell and Dales ponies all inherited some Friesian lines in their early development. Morgan horses too may have come from the Friesian bloodlines.
- Multiple Friesians have played roles in the entertainment industry. For example, the movie Ladyhawke from 1985, which featured a Friesian stallion named Othello. Other films include Zorro, 300, and Eragon.
- Friesian horses are not always black as you would assume. Sometimes, you may find chestnut Friesians though they aren’t registered under the official Friesian studbook. Neither does this nullify the fact that there can be chestnut Friesians also called fire Friesians.
- There are unique carriages designed just for Friesians. The elegant and unique carriage was designed in the 18th century in the province of Friesland. The carriage was called the Friesian Sjees meaning chaise in French, and chair in English.
- Friesian horses are much pricier than other breeds. Especially if they have already been trained. They’re a common breed in dressage and riding disciplines.
- Friesians have no white markings unless it’s not a purebred Friesian. The only marking allowed by the registry is a small white star on the forehead.
- Friesians are terrible Jumpers. This is because they have a heavy build and are just heavy horses regardless of their type, either baroque and sport. This does rule them out in jumping but excellent at pulling a carriage or riding on the flat
Horse Names By Breeds
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- Top Names for Black Horses (Including Black & White)
- Outstanding Brown Horse Names + Ideas
- +150 White Horse Names & Unique Ideas
- Red Horse Names for Chestnut Mares, Stallions & Geldings
- Roan Horse Names (Red, Blue & Grey)
Horse Names A-Z
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Horse Naming Ideas