White horses are a unique, majestic, and rare type of equine that possesses a scarce gene that makes them appear unreal. White horses resemble the mythical creature, ” a Unicorn” that many only see in their dreams. But that’s the beauty of naming a white horse, there are endless possibilities.
Female and male White horse names can be any sort of name from something pure and gracious as an Angel or Angelo to quirky and unique names like Angus or Snowball. All these names are acceptable and catchy for your white equine.
If you have a white horse you’re looking to name, find some inspiration from the list of unisex, girl and boy equine name ideas below. We have sourced ideas from various themes. Our best picks have also been highlighted in the sections below.
Famous White Horse Names
These are the most popular white horse names used previously in shows, tv stations, movies, and race winners. Here are some of the most popular white horses:
Silver Horse Name
A thoroughbred quarter horse who played the famous steed called Silver in The Lone Ranger Reboot. Silver was born with a pure white coat.

More other popular white horse names include;
- Marengo – a famous white warhorse dating back to the 17th century. The horse of Napoleon I of France, named after the Battle of Marengo.
- Phantom – from the Disney series Zorro, the white horse took up this name.
- Shadowfax – from the movie lord of rings. The horse was ridden by Gandalf the White, of the race of the Mearas, lord of all horses.
- Desert Orchid or Dessie – just one of the best national champions among English racehorses of all time
- Milton – this was a successful show horse ridden by John Whitaker.
- Falcon – this was Buster Crabbe’s horse. Buster Crabbe from the years 1908-1983. He was an American two-time Olympic swimmer and movie actor.
- Pegasus – you all know about Pegasus as the mythical winged stallion derived from the Greek mythology as superior and infinite.
- Raider – this horse was Durango Kid’s horse dating back to the year 1940. The horse was ridden by an American Western.
- Topper – Hopalong Cassidy’s Horse that was ridden in the 1930s by yet another American Western cowboy. The film was a great sensation back then
- White Flash – lastly. The white flash was a fast horse ridden by Tex Ritter in his western movies of the late 1930s and ’40s.
Here are more famous white horse names.
- Alfonso
- Angus
- Arod
- Arroch
- Artax
- Billy
- Binky
- Blessing
- Bullseye
- Champion
- Cochise
- Desert Orchid
- Falcon
- Flame
- Goliath
- Guido
- Jim
- Khan
- Marengo
- Maximus
- Milton
- Mister Ed
- Nohar
- Palomo
- Peach Blossom
- Pegasus
- Persephone
- Phantom
- Raider
- Ringo
- Rochallor
- Rocket
- Scout
- Secret
- Shadowfax
- Silver
- Snowfire
- Spirit
- Stardust
- Starlight
- Topper
- Whinney
- White Flash
- Winx
- Yukichan

White (Mare) Female Horse Names
An adult female equine is called a mare. Our best pick for the best white female horse is Epona. The name means female protectress of horses. From a Latin American and Roman origin, the name symbolizes a Celtic goddess who was the great horse and leader of horses. One with power and leadership abilities.

This is an excellent name for your white horse as it depicts superiority and indifference from other horse names.
- Agnis
- Alaska
- Amisha
- Aneissa
- Angel
- Angelique
- Anita
- Annabel
- Arianne
- Ballerina
- Belle
- Candi
- Celeste
- Chantilly
- Chloe
- Clara
- Crystal
- Daisy
- Delilah
- Dew
- Diamond
- Dream
- Duchess
- Ember
- Evangeline
- Fleur
- Frost
- Gamora
- Heaven
- Ivory
- Katara
- Katniss
- Lily
- Luce
- Luna
- Marigold
- Melody
- Minerva
- Minnie
- Moon
- Nancy
- Nia
- Nova
- Pearl
- Snow drop
- Snowball
- Snowflake
- Star
- Tiana
- Tink
- Unicorn
- Viola
- Willow
Stallion/Male White Horse Names
An adult male horse that is capable of reproducing is a stallion. For the males, the best name for this section is Chevy. The name was given to a white horseman to mean a white knight.

From a French origin, chevy is also a dominant word that speaks on masculinity and overall dominance.
- Ace
- Admiral
- Albus
- Angelo
- Austen
- Beau
- Bentley
- Blake
- Bolt
- Bronco
- Buck
- Buzz
- Cadence
- Caesar
- Casper
- Charming
- Chess
- Clyde
- Dandy
- Diesel
- Duncan
- Dynamite
- Edgar
- Elmer
- Flash
- Fonzie
- Franklin
- Freddie
- Ghost
- Goliath
- Ice
- Jake
- Jiminy
- Jon
- Jupiter
- King
- Kuzco
- Legend
- Lincoln
- Lucky
- Malcom
- Maximus
- Milky
- President
- Rain
- Snow
- Socks
- Uno
- Victor
- Washington
- Winston
- Zed
- Zephyr
- Zodiac
More Good Names for White Horses
Another great French name for your white horse is Destry. A term used to mean a female warrior. One afraid of no one and can surpass all challenges brought forward by anything. The name is inspirational, unique, and speaks a great deal about the fortitude of the horse.
- Abel
- Adam
- Adelaide
- Adeline
- Alaska
- Albert
- Alexander
- Alfred
- Alice
- Alistair
- Amanda
- Amanda
- Amelia
- Andrew
- Angel
- Angelo
- Aria
- Arion
- Artax
- Arthur
- Asti
- Ava
- Avalanche
- Bailey
- Ballerina
- Beatrice
- Bessie
- Blanca
- Blizzard
- Bruma
- Butter
- Buttermilk
- Calisson
- Camellia
- Carter
- Cashmere
- Casper
- Caspian
- Celestial
- Chad
- Champagne
- Chantilly
- Charlie
- Christian
- Cinnamon
- Clara
- Cloud
- Coco
- Coconut
- Cody
- Cold
- Colson
- Conrad
- Cotton
- Cream
- Crystal
- Curtis
- Daisy
- Damon
- Daniel
- Darcy
- David
- Diamond
- Dorothy
- Edelweiss
- Edgar
- Edith
- Edmund
- Eduardo
- Eleanora
- Elegance
- Eli
- Elijah
- Emily
- Enid
- Eric
- Ezra
- Faith
- Fay
- Felix
- Fern
- Fjord
- Fletcher
- Fleur de Sel
- Flora
- Georgina
- Ghost
- Heaven
- Holly
- Hope
- Ice Cream
- Ice cube
- Ida
- Ingrid
- Ivory
- Jane
- Jessica
- Jocelyn
- Jonah
- Jonah
- Joshua
- Joy
- Juliet
- Katherine
- Levi
- Light
- Lillian
- Lincoln
- Logan
- Lotus
- Louis
- Luna
- Lune
- Lydia
- Maddox
- Maeve
- Mara
- Maria
- Marilyn
- Marshmallow
- Mason
- Matilda
- Maximus
- Michael
- Miles
- Milky
- Milky Way
- Millicent
- Moon
- Morning Glory
- Mr. Ed
- Nathalia
- Noah
- Nougat
- Oliver
- Ophelia
- Orchid
- Pancake
- Pearl
- Pegasus
- Peter
- Phaeton
- Phillip
- Pippa
- Polar
- Popcorn
- Poseidon
- Powder
- Prince Charming
- Pure
- Roach
- Rosie
- Rowan
- Sawyer
- Scarlett
- Shadowfax
- Simon
- Snoopy
- Snow
- Snow Queen
- Snow White
- Snowball
- Snowdrop
- Snowy
- Sophia
- Sophie / Sophia
- Starlight
- Stella
- Storm
- Sudoku
- Sugar
- Susan
- Tetra
- Theodore
- Thomas
- Tiara
- Toque Blanche
- Tornado
- Vanessa
- Vanilla
- Veronica
- White
- Whitewater
- Whitey
- William
- Wyatt
- Xander
- Xavier
- Zachariah
- Zelda
Ideas to Pick to Right Name for your White Horse
Similar to choosing any other name, selecting the best white horse name can be tedious and overwhelming for you. There are a lot of factors to consider, numerous themes to overlook, and many ideas to try. Here are simple tips you could use for your name search.
- Most white horses are not purely white therefore, you van go fo other shades of color to find inspiration. For example, grey, dapper, or silver. Try name ideas like stormy, misty, and cloud
- If your horse is past the graying period, you can select names that symbolize purity or cleanness. Names like Angel or Angelo, Lily, or Alaska.
- Choose names that instill confidence and are easy to spell out
Horse Names Coat Color & Patterns
- Top Names for Black Horses (Including Black & White)
- Outstanding Brown Horse Names + Ideas
- Grey Horse Names for Mares & Stallions
- Red Horse Names for Chestnut Mares, Stallions & Geldings
- Roan Horse Names (Red, Blue & Grey)
Horse Names A-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Horse Names By Breeds
- Best Appaloosa Horse Names
- Mustang Horse Names
- Top Friesian Horse Names
- Best Paint Horse Names
- Andalusian (Pure Spanish) Horse Names
Horse Names By Events/Activities/Sports
Horse Naming Ideas