A blessing is something of benefit, one that is of great help or special. In Christianity, it means God’s favor and protection. Dogs are a blessing or a favor to us, they make us happy. They are protective, loyal and are always there for us. Below are female and male dog names that mean blessing.
Female Dog Names Meaning Blessing
Contents show
- Aana– A name of Indian origin that means blessed.
- Doroata– A Greek name that translates to blessing.
- Analee– A Spanish name meaning grace or favor.
- Aanam– An Indian name that translates to a gift from Lord Ganesha.
- Atiya-A name of Indian origin that means a gift.
- Jessica– A Hebrew name that means God’s a gracious gift.
- Carissa– A Greek name that means grace.
- Evanna– A name of Welsh origin meaning God is gracious.
- Hannah/Hanna/Hana-A Hebrew name that means grace and favor.
- Lahja– A name of Nordic origin that means special gift.
- Nima– A name of Latin and Arabic origin that means a blessing.
- Janette– A name of Hebrew origin meaning gift from God.
- Asher -A Hebrew name that means a blessing or fortunate.
- Bennett– A Latin name that means a little blessed one.
- Dory-A name of French origin that translates to gift of God.
- Mikelle –The name is of Hebrew origin that means gift from God.
- Nessa-A name from Greek origin that means pure, holy; butterfly.
- Baraka-Translates to blessing in Swahili.
- Beatrice-A name of Italian origin that means she who makes me happy
- Gurdita –This name is of Indian origin meaning Gift of Guru.
- Pelia-The name is of Hebrew origin meaning marvel of God.
- Thavamani-The name means Gift of God. A name of Hindu origin.
- Gwyneth-The name means happiness. It is a name of Welsh origin.
- Daanya –The name is of Arabic origin. The name means close or nearby.
- Mira-The name means mother earth, peaceful, amazing, beautiful. A name of Hebrew origin.
- Atara– A name that means ‘blessed.’
- Heba-A gifted female who is a blessing to many
- Yuki-Japanese name meaning ‘blessing.’
- Chiquita-A small blessing or gift

Other girl dog names that translate to blessings
- Desiree
- Nana
- Genevieve
- Aksha
- Adelaide
- Mirai
- Thea
- Felice
- Beata
- Milagros
- Vera
- Miracle
- Faye
- Mirabelle
- Godiva
- Jesse
- Yuki
- Prasad
- Sachi
- Aanshi
- Dorothea
- Roonhi
- A blessing of God
- Sheamiracle
- Atara
- Prenitha
- Blessing
- Mireille
- Heba
- Charlotte
- Jayne
- Felicite
- Ella
- Clara
- Frida
- Bea
- Vaanya
- Etta
- Joanna
- Hannah
- Annie
- Hibah
- Marvel
- Jane
- Irene
- Karishma
- Ayah
- Amari
- Sheena
- Winifred
- Alazne
- Mireya
Male Dog Names that Mean Blessing
- Attaullah / Atallah– an Arabic name meaning gift of God, composed of Ata (gift) + Allah (God)
- Attam– An Indian name that means a gift from God.
- Avita– Indian name meaning “God’s gift”.
- Gianni– A name of Italian origin that means God is gracious.
- Gurdita– An Indian name meaning “one who is born with the blessing of the Guru”.
- Hansel– A name of German origin that means God is gracious.
- Durgadatt -An Indian name that means blessing of Goddess Durga.
- Joindah-An Arabic name that translates to blessings of God.
- Benji-A name of Hebrew origin that means son of the right hand.
- Jedediah-The name is of Hebrew origin. It means friend of God.
- Loreto-The name is of Italian origin meaning laurel grove.
- Aiman-The name is of Arabic origin. It means one who is on the right hand, right-handed.
- Miracolo-This name is of Italian origin and it means miracle of God or a blessing from God.
- Thaddeus-This name Is of Greek origin. It means a heart or a courageous heart.
- Felix-A name of Latin origin that means happy or lucky.
- Harika-The name is of Turkish origin. It means a miracle or beautiful.
- Anwar-The name is of Arabic origin which means a collection of lights.
- Donatello-The name means given or a gift from God. A name of Spanish and Italian origin.
- Avishai– A name of Indian origin that means a gift from God.
- Ayne-A German name meaning “the Lord has shown favor”.
- Donatello-A name of Spanish origin that means given by God
- Dorek– A name of Polish origin that means a blessing.
- Avita– Indian name meaning “God’s gift”.
- Gianni– A name of Italian origin that means God is gracious.
- Gurdita– An Indian name meaning “one who is born with the blessing of the Guru”.
- Hansel– A name of German origin that means God is gracious.
- Durgadatt -An Indian name that means blessing of Goddess Durga.
- Joindah-An Arabic name that translates to blessings of God.
- Ramdutt-An Indian name meaning Gift of Lord Rama.
- Reyan-A name of Indian origin meaning “Gift of God; Little King”.
- Reyom– An Indian name meaning God’s gift.
- Wahb– A name of Arabic origin that means blessing.
- Yadan– An Arabic name that means God’s gift.
- Yanish– A name of Hebrew origin that means Gift of God.
- Benediction-The French for ‘blessing.’
- Mathias– means blessing
- Boone– translates to blessing in French.
- Daliso-translates to ‘blessing.’
- Inoa– A name of Arabic origin that means ‘miracle from God.
- Matthew-Meaning ‘gift from God.’
- Osaze-Translates to one who is blessed by God

Other boy dog names that mean blessing
- Beneficio
- Zebedee
- Bozidar
- Deodar
- Mapalo
- Durgadutt
- Aaron
- Neo
- Milagro
- Abel
- Salem
- Zubaid
- Benediction
- Adom
- Ayaan
- Addai
- Lemuel
- Jedidish
- Bennet
- Mathias
- Devak
- Zelig
- Asher
- Boone
- Willy
- Murray
- Eijaz
- Fausto
- Solomon
- Milagre
- Cory
- Dorek
- Chazon
- Winkle
- Wynn
- Osaze
- David
- Barak
- Inoam
- Nate
- Lark
- Elkan
- Lelig
- Baruch
- Shiloh
- Keitaro
- Daliso
- Bovza
- Remi
- Jake
- Maui
- Benedict
- Feliz
- Matthew
- Higgins
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