E always comes after d in the alphabet. It is the fifth letter of the alphabet. There are many not only good but also cute, unique, amazing dog names that start with E. The following is collection E names for your girl or boy pup.
Top Dog Names that Start with E
- Eagan-It is of Irish and Gaelic origin. A name given to male dogs meaning fire.
- Eagle-The highest-flying bird… the king of the sky. For many the eagle symbolizes inspiration, release from bondage, victory, longevity, speed, pride, father and royalty
- Eagle scout-It is of English origin. A boy scout who has reached the highest point of scouting. A male name.
- Eaga-A Neutral-gender name of Irish and Gaelic origin meaning independent.
- Ealdorman-A term in Anglo-Saxon England originally applied for high man status. A masculine name.
- Ease-A name of English origin meaning comfortable. A unisex name.
- Easter-Origin is of England. A name of a Christian celebration, after a pre-Christian goddess. A gender-neutral name.
- Eastman-It is of English origin. Formed by an ancient Anglo-Saxon of Britain and it means of grace or of favorite protection. A male name.
- Easton-It is of English and Scottish origin meaning ‘enclosure’. A gender-neutral name.
- Ebba-Feminine name of Germanic origin meaning ‘strong’.
- Ebbe-A name of Scandinavian origin meaning Brave Boar. A male name.
- Eberhart-An Old Germanic name meaning ‘The strength or courage of a wild boar’.
- Ebert-It’s of North German meaning’ brave’,’ hardy’,’ strong’. A male name.
- Ebi-A Muslim boy name of Arabic origin meaning pertanal and the associated lucky number 1.
- Echnaton-A name of Egyptian origin, meaning effective for the Aten. A male name.
- Echo-It’s of Latin and Greek origin meaning reflected sound. Feminine name.
- Ecka-Old High German name meaning ‘edge, corner’. A unisex name.
- Éclair-Feminine name meaning in Australia origin.
- Ecru-Of Ecru origin meaning Neutral color or too much of an oddity. A female name.
- Ecstasy-It is of English origin meaning rapturous delight. A gender-neutral name.
- Ecuador-A name of Spanish origin meaning Republic of Equator after Eloy Alfaro. It is male name.
- Edie-A pet form of Edith which is of Old English origin meaning ‘rich in war’. Feminine name.
- Edina-A female name of English origin meaning Rich/Prosperous Friend.
- Edison-An Old English name Transferred English surname meaning Eadie’s son. A male name.
- Edit –An Anglo-Saxon name meaning Joyous.
- Eleanor-It is of Hebrew origin meaning God is My Light. A gender-neutral name.
- Elisavet-A Hebrew name meaning Devoted to God. A Unisex name.
- Elisha-A Hebrew origin name meaning God is salvation. A gender-neutral name.
- Elite-It is of Latin origin.It means a superior woman.A Feminine name.
- Elixir-A female name of Elixir origin meaning medical substance; philosopher’s stone.
- Elvine-A name of English origin meaning Good elf. A Feminine name.
- Elvira-A name of Spanish origin meaning Truth, White or beautiful. Feminine name.
- Elvire-It is of Spanish origin meaning foreign and true. A Unisex name.
- Elvis –It means wise and is of Scandinavian origin. A male name.
Female Dog names starting with E.
- Ebony-A name of English origin meaning Dark Black-wooded Tree.
- Echo-A name of Latin origin meaning reflected sound.
- Éclair-A word from French which means flash of lightning.
- Eclipse-It originates from Native America which was known to be a sign of moon’s power.
- Edamame-In Japan and Hong Kong the name is used to refer to dish. Literally means stem beans.
- Edda-A name from German origin meaning With Clear Goals.
- Eden-A name meaning paradise and is of Hebrew origin.
- Edith-It’s of Old English meaning riches or blessed.
- Edna-A name meaning gentleness, pleasure youthfulness. It is of Hebrew origin.
Other girl dog names that begin with e include;
- Eggnog
- Eggroll
- Eggo
- Eiffel
- Elaine
- Elda
- Elie
- Elisa
- Elinor
- Elsie
- Elk
- Elizabeth
- Ella
- Ellen
- Ellie
- Elly May
- Elm
- Elsa
- Eloise
- Ember
- Emily
- Emma
- Emerald
- Emery
- Emmy
- Empress
- Enchilada
- Enya
- Epcot
- Erin
- Eris
- Ernie
- Esmeralda
- Ester
- Etta
- Ettie
- Eudora
- Europa
- Eureka
- Euro
- Eve
- Evita
- Ewok
- Excel
Boy Dog Names that start with E
You may be having a difficult time finding a suitable name starting with E for you sweet amazing male pup.
Well, here are some of the best ideas that may turn out to be helpful.
- Eddie–An English name of Old English origin meaning Rich in friendship/a wealthy friend.
- Edgar-An English name of Anglo-Saxon origin meaning rich, prosperous.
- Edge-The name means border and is of American origin.
- Ehder-A name of Turkish origin meaning extremely rare.
- Einstein-It means Stone Worker and is of German origin.
- Epoch-A name from Greek meaning cessation.
- Eros -A name meaning God of Love and is of Greek origin.
- Espresso-Past tense of the name esprimere, which means to express, to press out.
- Euripides-A name derived from a Greek name. It means the one who moves fast and quick.
- Ekkho-A name related to Greek and Latin name Echo meaning reflected sound.
Other male e dog names include;
- Elf
- Elias
- Ewok
- Excalibur
- Exe
- Exp
- Ezekial
- Ezra
- Ezzy
- Energizer
- Enzo
- Epic
- Eliha
- Elmer
- Elmo
- Elrond
- Elroy
- Emanuel
- Emlyn
- Earhart
- Earl
- Earnest
- Earp
- Eben
- Ebenezer
- Ebo
- Ed
- Eddy
- Edison
- Edsel
- Eduardo
- Edwin
- Eeyore
- Egan
- Elbert
- Electra
- Elijah
- Elliott
- Elmer
- Elron
- Elton
- Elkton
- Elliott
- Ellis
- Elmo
- Elroy
- Emil
- Emanuel
- Emile
- Emory
- Emu
- Endive
- Enzo
- Epcot
- Eric
- Erie
- Erik
- Ernie
- Esau
- Espen
- Espresso
- Ethan
- Eugene
- Everett
- Ewan
- Ezra
Cute Dog E Names
There are plenty of dog breeds that are totally cute. If your new pooch is a cute, here are cute names that start with “E” for him or her.
- Edmond-A name of Anglo-Saxon origin meaning Wealth defender.
- Edo-Derived from Old English Eadweard meaning wealth.
- Edsel-It’s of German origin meaning Noble one.
- Edward-A name of Old English origin meaning rich guard.
- Edweena-A name of Old English name Eadwine meaning whine (friend).
- Edwin-A name of Anglo-Saxon origin meaning rich, prosperous.
- Eeyore-A name from phoenix spelling of a sound the donkey makes.
- Effie-A name of Old Greek origin meaning well spoken.
Other names include;
- Ellis
- Elmer
- Elmo
- Eloise
- Elope
- Elpie
- Elroy
- Elsa
- Enoch
- Enoive
- Enola
- Enovid
- Enrico
- Enya
- Enzo
- Eoxy
- Eva
- Evans
- Evelyn
- Evian
- Evita
- Evva
- Evy
- Ewan
Cool Dog Names that Begin with ‘E’
Some dogs are pretty cool. If yours is a male dog, you’ll need a cool dog name that starts with “E” to suit him.
- Ecka-A name referring to one who is serious minded and stable.
- Ecru-A name for color of unbleached linen or silk.
- Ecuador-Republic of the equator.
- Edelweiss-A name that means noble or white and is of German origin.
- Elek-A Hebrew name meaning The Lord is My God.
- Eleusis-A town in Greece, North West of Athens. Referred to as cite of the ancient Greek city.
- Elf-A name used to mean the king, the suitor of a reluctant maiden in Old Norse.
- Elfa-A name of Old Norse origin meaning supernatural.
- Elfin-From Middle English elven; feminine of elf, meaning an inhabitant of fairy-land.
- Elias-A name meaning The Lord Is My God. It’s of English origin.
Other names include;
- Elisha
- Elissa
- Elite
- Elixir
- Elizabeth
- Elke
- Ellen
- Ellery
- Ellie
- Ellington
- Elliot
- Ellis
- Emmy
- Emmylou
- Empire
- Emrick
- Emu
- Ence
- Enchilada
- Encore
- Endeis
- Endre
- Energizer
- Energy
- Engy
- Enigma
- Enki
- Enkidu
- Enno
- Essex
- Ester
- Eston
- Eta
- Ethan
- Ethel
- Eton
- Euclid
- Eudora
- Eugene
- Eulis
- Eunice
- Euphoria
- Euphrates
- Eureka
- Europa
- Eurus
- Eustace
Funny Dog Names That Start with ‘E’
If your pooch displays some sense of humor, you have all the reasons to give him/her a funny name. There are a couple of funny e names from which you pick.
Remember, a name that may feel or sound funny to you may not be funny to others. Just be sure that the name you choose at least does not offend others.
Also, in-jokes that are hilarious today may be forgotten tomorrow. You can’t change your dog’s name to suit the latest amusing comedian, so be sure that the name you pick now is one you can live with.
Following is a collection of hilarious and funny e-beginning dog names that might make you smile.
- Eatsalot
- Eddie Izzard
- Edward Scissorhands
- Eightball
- Egghead
- Egg-citing
- Eggnog
- Elephant
- Eureka
- Everhard
- Ever-ready
- Evil
- Eggzotic
Tough E Dog Names
Your fluffy puppy might look cute when he’s a baby, but he could grow up to look like a real tough cookie. If you’ve chosen a breed that looks tough, a tough dog name that starts with “E” could be a good choice.
- Epcot
- Epic
- Epilogue
- Eponia
- Eppy
- Epsom
- Epstein
- Equinox
- Equity
- Erato
- Ergane
- Ergo
- Ewing
- Ewok
- Excalibur
- Excess
- Exeter
- Exha
- Exo
- Exposition
- Express
- Exxet
- Eyre
- Ezzo
More Unique E Dog Names
Every dog is different, even if you compare two pups of the same breed or from the same litter. So, your unique dog deserves a unique name too. Here’s a list of unusual dog names beginning with “E” that might tickle your fancy.
- Efra
- Efrem
- Egad
- Egan
- Egbert
- Egenios
- Eggo
- Ego
- Egypt
- Eida
- Elsie
- Elsinore
- Elton
- Elvine
- Elvira
- Elvis
- Elwood
- Elysia
- Elysium
- Elzie
- Elzo
- Emar
- Emir
- Emis
- Emmeline
- Emmet
- Enigma
- Enki
- Enkidu
- Enno
- Ennui
- Enoch
- Enoive
- Enok
- Enola
- Enovid
- Enya
- Epsom
- Eggshell
- Egia
- Ego
- Eirleach
- Eisdeacht
- Eisenhower
- Eisk
- Eiteall
- Eitill
- Eja
- Elaine
- Elam
- Elba
- Elbow
- Eldarado
- Eldridge
- Elea
- Escapade
- Escher
- Esco
- Eskil
- Eskimo
Dog Names A-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Dog Names Ending…
- Dog Names that End with ER
- Dog Names that End with IE
- Dog Names that End with Y
- Dog Names that End with O
1,2, 3 Syllable Dog Names
Dog Names Meaning…
- Male & Female Dog Names that mean Survivor.
- Dog Names that Mean Loyal, Devoted, Trusted/ Reliable
- Dog Names that Mean Calm, Quite or Peaceful
- Dog Names that Mean Love & Valentine Inspired Ideas
- Dog Names that Mean Hope & Faith
- Dog Names that Mean Happy & Joy
- Dog Names that Mean Blessing
- Dog Names that Mean Protector, Defender, Guard for Female & Male Pet Canines
- Dog Names that Mean New Beginning
- Dog Names that Mean Bear-Famous & Breeds that Look like Bears
Themed Dog Names
- Biblical Dog Names
- Nautical Dog Names
- Fat Dog Names
- Witch Dog Names
- Coffee-inspired Names for Dogs
- Mountains, Hills & Valleys Dog Names
- Tree-Inspired Names for Dogs
- Flower Names for Female and Male Dogs
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- Best Unisex Dog Names
Dog Names by Breed
Dog Naming Tips
Other Pet Names & Ideas