O is the fifteenth letter in the basic Latin alphabets. From Oliver to Ozzie, here are some of the best, cutest and most unique female, male and gender-neutral dog names that start and end with O
Top Dog Names Starting with O.
These are the mostly used and liked O-beginning canine names. Below are some amazing name ideas

- Oliver-olive tree: The biblical olive tree symbolizes fruitfulness, beauty and dignity. A female given name.
- Ollie-A female nickname for Oliver of Latin origin meaning elf Warrior or elf army.
- Olivia-A feminine name of English origin meaning olive..
- Oscar-A masculine name meaning “Friend of Deer”,” Spear of God”.
- Otis-A boy name of Old German and Old English origin meaning wealth; son of Otto.
- Oakley-Old English male name meaning clearing.
- Odin-A Unisex name meaning frenzy, rage, inspirational and is of Scandinavian origin.
- Ozzy-English Baby names meaning “Divine of Power”. Suitable for a boy pup.
- Olly-A name meaning elf warrior or dive tree English/German origins. A male given name.
- Owen-A boy name meaning young Warrior and is of Welsh origin.
- Ozzie-A male name of Norse origin meaning bear God or God’s power.
- Olaf-An Old Norse male given name meaning ancestor’s descendant.
- Olette-A girl’s name meaning small winged one and is Of Latin origin.
- Ohana-A Unisex name of Hawaiian origin and is a word for family; means family.
- Olga-A name of Russian origin meaning Blessed, holy and is feminine.
- Oni-A female name of Hebrew origin meaning He favored me.
- Oisi-A Male name from Japanese origin meaning large rock. A topographic name.
- Obri-Means King of the Fairies. It’s of English origin. I deal for a female pooch.
- Omish-A Hindu Boy name meaning Lord of the sun.
- Ona-A Unisex name that means grace. It’s of Slavic origin.
Female Dog Names that Start with O
Do you happen to have a female Dog? Well below are some good girl dog names ideas:
- Ocarina-A name meaning little goose and it’s of Italian origin.
- Ociana-A girl name meaning Ocean and is of Greek origin.
- Oda-A name that means Great Field and is of Japanese origin.
- Odette-A female French name, Old German origin meaning Sea. A female name.
- Odile-A French name meaning wealthy, fortunate, Old German name.
- Odilla-Derived from Germanic elements meaning father land/wealth, fortune.
- Odiria-A female given name meaning Divine creative Inspiration and it’s of Scandinavian origin.

Other girl names include;
- Odine
- Odysee
- Ofira
- Ofra
- Ojade
- Oka
- Okaya
- Okarina
- Okina
- Okira
- Oktavia
- Okuma
- Ola
- Olanda
- Olea
- Olena
- Olga
- Olisa
- Oliva
- Olive
- Olivia
- Olja
- Olympia
- Omedia
- Omira
- Ona
- Onanga
- Onda
- Onella
- Ondina
- Ondra
- Onida
- Onira
- Onja
- Onya
- Oona
- Opala
- Ophaya
- Opheli
- Ophelia
- Opera
- Ora
- Orami
- Oranda
- Orania
- Oranija
- Oraya
- Orelle
- Oria
- Oriana
- Orina
- Orinja
- Orissa
- Orla
- Orlanda
- Orlinda
- Ormiga
- Ornella
- Orissa
- Orsina
- Orta
- Orthia
- Osane
- Ossa
- Ossiris
- Ostara
- Ostia
- Ota
- Otila
- Ottavia
- Ottilia
- Ottira
- Ovata
- Ovati
- Ovette
- Oxana
- Oxanna
Male Dog Names Beginning with O
If your pup is a male, below are some good O name ideas;
- O’ Neal-It’s of Irish origin meaning descendant of Niall.
- O´Connor-Its of Irish origin meaning grandson/descendant of Concho bar.
- Octavio-A name of Latin origin meaning eight.
- Odal-Its of Scandinavian origin meaning Family belonging to Teutonic people.
- Odeon-Its of Greek origin meaning Song.
- Odie-A name of British origin meaning wood hill.
- Odilo-A name of Old German meaning fortunate or prosperous.
- Odion-A name of Egyptian origin meaning Born of twins.

Other boy names include;
- Odo
- Odysseus
- Odyssey
- Ogin
- Ogum
- Ohio
- Ohnassis
- Oho
- Öhrli
- Oink
- Okaido
- Okar
- Okay
- Oki
- Okie
- Okito
- Oktavian
- Okzident
- Olac
- Olaf
- Oldax
- Oldie
- Ole
- Oleander
- Oleg
- Olek
- Olex
- Olexo
- Olf
- Oliver
- Olli
- Ollie
- Olof
- Oluf
- Olymp
- Olympus
- Omaha
- Omani
- Omar
- Omari
- Omega
- Omego
- Omegos
- Ondo
- Ondor
- Ondore
- Ondos
- Ondro
- Ondros
- Ondy
- Onglei
- Oni
- Onis
- Onkey
- Onko
- Onky
- Only
- Onyx
- Oogabooga
- Oops
- Opal
- Ophir
- Opus
- Orbin
- Orbis
- Orbit
- Orcur
- Orcus
- Ordillo
- Orell
- Oremo
- Oreo
- Orest
- Orex
- Orfi
- Orias
- Oriel
- Orino
- Orion
- Oris
- Orje
- Ork
- Orka
- Orkan
- Orkas
- Orki
- Orkney
- Orko
- Orkus
- Orlan
- Orlando
- Orlov
- Ormand
- Oron
- Orphan
- Orpheus
- Orphid
- Orry
- Orto
- Orville
- Orwell
- Oryx
- Osborne
- Oscar
- Oschi
- Osco
- Osito
- Oskar
- Oski
- Oslo
- Osman
- Osmar
- Osric
- Ossi
- Ossian
- Ossy
- Ostan
- Osti
- Oswald
- Oswin
- Otello
- Othar
- Othello
- Otis
- Ottilie
- Ottilius
- Ottokar
- Ötzi
- Ouisti
- Outlaw
- Ouzo
- Ovato
- Ovid
- Owambo
- Owen
- Oxan
- Oz
- Ozelot
- Ozzie
Tough Dog Names That Start with ‘O’
Your dog doesn’t have to look tough to have a tough-sounding dog name. Whether he’s a tiny Pug or a massive German shepherd, your tough dog deserves a tough title.
We’re nuts about these tough dog names that start with “O” and hope you like some from the ones below;
- Outlaw-A name of English origin meaning Outlaw.
- Ouija-An Egyptian word meaning good luck.
- O’Hara-Originally from Irish meaning descendant from Xaghra.
- Obsession-A name of Old English for females meaning to be obsessed compulsive.
- Officer-A name that means occupational. Anglo-Norman French meaning ‘duty’, ’service’.
- Osmosis-A name from Ancient Greek meaning push.
- Onyx-A name meaning Black Gemstone and is of English origin.
Other tough names include;
- Outsider
- Outrigger
- Olympus
- Obstacle
- Omega
- Offset
- Oxford
- Order
- Outback
- Ordnance
Cute Dog Names That Start with ‘O’
Oh my goodness, we can’t even handle how cute these “O” names are.

These names are perfect for that tiny Yorkie or that massive mixed breed. Whether you’re looking for a name that screams irony or you need a name that suits your cutie, this is the list for you.
- Ovelle
- Ozette
- Ottie
- Otto
- Oregano
- Orville
- Omelet
- Onion
- Ounce
- One
- Okie
- Owl
- Obe
- Oz
- Ogee
- Orca
- Ox
- Oatmeal
- Orville
- Opie
Funny Dog Names That Start with ‘O’
Now, this list is for those with a sense of humor. This is for the adorably silly, the goofy, and the hilarious dog of yours who loves humor. Ready to put a smile on everyone’s face everywhere you and your pup go? Then keep reading.
- Ol’ Sport
- Officer Puppins
- Oprah
- Oddjob
- Oddball
- Ooh
- Offbeat
- Over-n-Out
- Officer Dog
- Oopsie
- Ohno
- Officer Wags
- OhWell
- OnIt
- Officer Sitstay
- One-n-Only
- Outlandish
- Other Pupper
- Overdrooled
- Officer Barksbee
Unique Dog Names That Start with ‘O’
So, we’ve covered popular dog names that begin with “O.” Now it’s time to cover unique names that begin with “O.”If you are the type who wants to stand out, then your dog is going to feel like one in a million with any of these unique, stand-out “O” names
- Ohiyo
- Owena
- Ova
- Oyku
- Ovalia
- Ozaine
- Oswin
- Oroonoko
- Otha
- Orinthia
- Orpha
- Ottilia
- Ottoline
- Ornate
- Ouzie
- Ouzie
- Ozanne
- Orris
- Orrin
- Onomatopeia
Other Good Dog Names Starting with O
These are bonus good names that start with O.
- Onyx
- Otto
- Odie
- Oso
- Opie
- Obi
- Opal
- Orion
- Obie
- Ophelia
- Oskar
- Otter
- Osa
- Oz
- Oden
- Oshie
- Oslo
- Osito
- Oswald
- Omar
- Ocean
- Oberon
- Okie
- Optimus
- Ori
- Oona
- Osiris
- Ole
- Octavia
- Ocho
- Onix
- Omega
- Oddie
- Oliver James
- Obi-Wan
- Oatmeal
- Orbit
- Oxford
- Odessa
- Odysseus
- Othello
- Oki
- Outlaw
- Oakleigh
- Oly
- Oak
- Odell
- Ovie
- Osita
- Og
- O’Malley
- Olympia
- Oski
- Ovi
- Osha
- Opus
- Osi
- Oggie
- Oprah
- Ollivander
- Override
Female & Male Dog Names Ending with O
Ooh never sounds disappointing when used in your pup’s name especially at the end. Here are some of the best female and male dog names that end with O!

Girl Dog Names Ending with O.
- Margo-A name of French origin meaning Pearl.
- Aniko-Its of Hebrew origin meaning He (God) has favored me.
- Gizmo-The name means Gadget. It’s of American origin.
- Echo-It means Reverberating Sound is A Greek origin.
- Fargo-It means From the Fenced Pasture and is of Spanish origin.
- Halo-A name of Old English origin meaning army hill.
- Vivo-An Italian name meaning alive.
- Cleo-A short form of Cleopatra or Cleophus meaning pride, fame and glory. It’s of Greek origin.
- Coco–A name meaning Chocolate Bean and is of American origin.
- Yoko –A name of Japanese origin meaning child, sunshine, sunny, child.
Other names include:
- Jingo
- Mieko
- Kono
- Loo-Loo
- Boo-Boo
- Tamiko
- Bitter-Boo
- Marlo
- Willo
- Juno
- Kato
- Hanako
- Hero
- JoJo
- Limo
- Callisto
- Penny-Poo
Male/Boy Dog Names ending with O.
- Banjo –A name of English origin meaning Banjo.
- Alejandro-A name of Spanish origin meaning Defender of the People.
- Carlo –A name of German origin meaning free man or warrior.
- Leonardo-It’s of Italian origin and means Lion Brave.
- Apollo-Of Greek origin meaning Destroyer.
- Zorro-A name meaning sly, fox and is of Spanish origin.
- Waldo-The name means God’s power and is of English origin.
- Rollo-A name meaning A Famous Wolf and is of English origin.
- Marco-An Italian name meaning Mars (Roman god of war).
- Bingo-The name is a word name and is a name best for pets.
Other male names Include:
- Endo
- Romeo
- Vicenzo
- Roberto
- Julio
- Fido
- Geronimo
- Chico
- Bo
- Leo
- Eduardo
- Rocko
- Nero
- Vito
- Angelo
- Dino
- Alberto
- Amigo
Dog Names A-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Dog Names Ending…
1,2, 3 Syllable Dog Names
Dog Names Meaning…
- Male & Female Dog Names that mean Survivor.
- Dog Names that Mean Loyal, Devoted, Trusted/ Reliable
- Dog Names that Mean Calm, Quite or Peaceful
- Dog Names that Mean Love & Valentine Inspired Ideas
- Dog Names that Mean Hope & Faith
- Dog Names that Mean Happy & Joy
- Dog Names that Mean Blessing
- Dog Names that Mean Protector, Defender, Guard for Female & Male Pet Canines
- Dog Names that Mean New Beginning
- Dog Names that Mean Bear-Famous & Breeds that Look like Bears
Themed Dog Names
- Biblical Dog Names
- Nautical Dog Names
- Fat Dog Names
- Witch Dog Names
- Coffee-inspired Names for Dogs
- Mountains, Hills & Valleys Dog Names
- Tree-Inspired Names for Dogs
- Flower Names for Female and Male Dogs
- Ghetto Names for Gangster Dogs
- Gun-inspired Names for Dogs
- Best Unisex Dog Names
Dog Names by Breed
Dog Naming Tips
Other Pet Names & Ideas