Coming before N, M is the thirteenth letter of the alpabet. Some consider M more of a masculine letter but this does not mean it lacks cute girly names for female pooches.
From Mable, Majik, Maya, Maddie, to Max, Major and Mac there is a huge collection of M-starting girl and boy dog names for your inspiration. Following is a collection of some of our best picks.
Top Girl Dog Names that Start with M.
These are some of the best Female Dog names that begin with the letter M.
- Mabel-A name of Latin origin meaning beautiful, loving, lovable.
- Macey-It is of Old French origin meaning weapon.
- Madeline- A name of Greek origin meaning Of Magdala.
- Madia-From Spanish origin meaning Bitter; woman from Magdala.
- Magna-Feminine of Magnus from Scandinavian meaning mighty and strength.
- Magpie-Loud-voiced black and white bird (one that talks obnoxiously).
- Mahalley-It is of Irish and Scottish meaning beauty, love, wisdom and elegance.
- Maisie-It is of English origin meaning Pearl.
- Majik-Derived from English American origins, Majik from magic.
- Makana-It is of Hawaiian origin meaning Gift.
- Makita-A name of Filipino (Philippines) meaning vision.
- Malia-A name meaning Bitter of the Sea.
- Maggie-A name of English origin meaning pearl.
- Mia-It means mine. Originated from hypocoristic of various names.
- Maya-It’s of English origin meaning Good Mother.
- Maddie-A name of Hebrew origin meaning Woman of Magdala, maiden, young.
- Marley-A name of Old English origin meaning pleasant.
- Millie-It is of Latin origin meaning sweet.(version of Melinda)
- Missy-It is of Greek origin meaning Bee. Famous bearer.
- Minnie-Pet from Maryam. A Hebrew name meaning sea of bitterness/sea of sorrow.
- Molly-A name of Irish origin meaning star of the sea.
- Mocha-A name of English origin meaning chocolate-coffee flavor.
- Macy-It means weapon and its Of Old French origin.
- Mimi-A name of French origin meaning Sea of Bitterness.
- Mila-It is a Slavic name meaning gracious/dear. It’s of Eastern Europe.
- Miley-It means Smiley .It is of American origin.
- Mya-A name of Greek origin meaning Great one or mother.
- Misty-A name of American origin meaning Covered with mist, Dew.
- Mollie-A variant of Latin name Mary and Melinda meaning Star of the see.
- Mika-A variant name of Dominique and is of French and Latin origin meaning three tree together, quick, nimble.”

Other female dog names that start with M include;
- Mallie
- Mallory
- Mamba
- Mamma
- Mamie
- Mandy
- Mango
- Mara
- Margarita
- Marge
- Mariah
- Marie
- Mariel
- Marsha
- Marta
- Martha
- Martisha
- Matera
- Matilda
- Mattie
- Maude
- Maui
- Maura
- Mausie
- Maxie
- Maxine
- May
- Maya
- Mayden
- Maylee
- Mayne
- Mazzy
- Meadow
- Meeko
- Meg
- Megan
- Mekki
- Melba
- Mele
- Melody
- Mercedes
- Merry
- Mialilly
- Miata
- Micha
- Michelle
- Micki
- Mija
- Mikita
- Mikko
- Mimsy
- Mina
- Mindy
- Minerva
- Minx
- Miranda
- Mirna
- Misdemeanor
- Misha
- Missfire
- Miss Piggy
- Mistic
- Mitze
- Miya
- Mizthang
- Moesha
- Moira
- Moka
- Moki
- Molina
- Mona
- Monana
- Montana
- Moody
- Mookie
- Moonbeam
- Moondance
- Moonlight
- Moopsy
- Morgana
- Morgie
- Morley
- Morning
- Morticia
- Muffett
- Muffie
- Muffin
- Mulan
- Mumu
- Mura
- Muse
- Myla
- Myrtle
- Mystic
Cool Boy Dog Names that Start with M.
These are the top Male names starting with M.
- Max-A name of Latin origin meaning greatest.
- Maaleck-From Arabic origin meaning owner.
- Macao-It is a name from Cantonese meaning gateway of the bays.
- Macbeth-It is of Gaelic origin meaning son of life.
- Machiavelli-A name from Latin origin meaning battle, fight.
- Machos-It is of Spanish origin meaning mule.
- Macintosh-From Gaelic origin meaning son of chief; leader of thane.
- Macmillan-A surname from Scottish origin meaning son of tonsure.
- Madito-Feminine Maldita meaning cruel, mean, mischievous.
- Maduro-A name of Spanish origin meaning ripe, fresh/mature/sensible.
- Maestro-It’s of Italian origin meaning master, teacher.
- Milo-It is of Germanic origin meaning mild, peaceful and calm.
- Murphy-An Irish surname meaning sea-warrior/sea battler.
- Moose-It is of Native American origin meaning largest species of Deer.
- Maverick-A name of American origin meaning wildly Independent.
- Mac –It’s of Scottish origin meaning ‘son’.
- Mason-A Traditional name meaning one who works with stone.
- Mojo-A name that is Ancestral and means lucky charm, fertility, rain, music, dance.
- Miles-A name of Latin origin meaning a soldier.
- Monty-An English name meaning Mountain.
- Maxwell-An Irish name meaning Mack’s or stream.
- Mack-A name of Ireland, Scottish origin meaning ‘son in Gaelic.’
- Major-A name of Latin origin meaning Better.
- Mikey-A short form of Michael of Hebrew origin meaning who is like God.
- Merlin-Derived from primitive Celtic meaning Sea Hill/Sea fortress.
- Moe-It is of American origin meaning Dark-skinned.
- Meeko-It is of Indian name of Sanskrit origin.It means Classmate Finder.
- Marty-A French name meaning Dead Sea (stagnant lake).
- Murray-It is of Gaelic origin meaning lord and master.
- Mowgli-In the stories the name is said to mean frog. Used in the Jungle Book.

Other M male dog names include;
- Maffick
- Maffin
- Mafioso
- Magelan
- Magic
- Magnat
- Magnet
- Magnum
- Magnus
- Mahoney
- Mahoni
- Mahonil
- Maico
- Maier
- Maik
- Mailo
- Mailor
- Maio
- Majorat
- Makani
- Mako
- Malcolm
- Male
- Malebo
- Maleno
- Malento
- Malex
- Mali
- Malibu
- Malin
- Mallo
- Malo
- Malte
- Malto
- Malu
- Mambo
- Mambor
- Mamby
- Mamo
- Mando
- Mango
- Manhattan
- Manners
- Manno
- Mannus
- Mano
- Manolo
- Manolos
- Manon
- Manoy
- Manto
- Mantos
- Mantu
- Manü
- Manyo
- Maraschino
- Maraska
- Marc
- Marcis
- Marco
- Marek
- Marev
- Mariachi
- Marin
- Mario
- Marius
- Mark
- Markos
- Marley
- Marlo
- Marlon
- Marlow
- Maro
- Maron
- Marquee
- Marron
- Mars
- Marshal
- Marshmallow
- Marten
- Martian
- Martini
- Marvin
- Mash
- Masho
- Mashom
- Mask
- Masko
- Massimo
- Master
- Masuth
- Matador
- Matai
- Mates
- Mathis
- Mato
- Matok
- Matt
- Matti
- Mattis
- Matto
- Matz
- Matze
- Matzinger
- Maud
- Maunt
- Maurice
- Maurino
- Mauro
- Mave
- Mäxchen
- Maxi
- Maxim
- Maximo
- Maxl
- Mayday
- Mayer
- Maynard
- Mayo
- Mazel
- McCoy
- McKennsy
- McKenzie
- Me Too
- Meadow
- Meatlof
- Mecki
- Mecky
- Medax
- Medor
- Medy
- Meg
- Mehmet
- Meiki
- Meiko
- Meino
- Mekki
- Melac
- Mello
- Mellow
- Melvin
- Mendo
- Menni
- Menno
- Menos
- Mentor
- Meo
- Mephisto
- Mercedes
- Mercurio
- Mercutio
- Merian
- Merino
- Merlo
- Meru
- Mesquito
- Metis
- Metro
- Mex
- Mexico
- Mexx
- Micado
- Micha
- Michel
- Michelangelo
- Michiko
- Mickey
- Micky
- Mico
- Midas
- Midget
- Midori
- Mignon
- Migo
- Miguel
- Mihal
- Mikado
- Mike
- Mikesch
- Mikis
- Miko
- Mikosch
- Milan
- Milano
- Mingo
- Mino
- Minos
- Minto
- Mintos
- Mintron
- Mirando
- Mirco
- Mirko
- Miro
- Miró
- Mischa
- Mischka
- Misha
- Mistletoe
- Mix
- Moby
- Mochito
- Moet
- Moggl
- Mogli
- Mogul
- Mogwai
- Mohawk
- Mohican
- Mohr
- Mohrchen
- Mohrle
- Moki
- Molch
- Mole
- Molle
- Momper
- Mompi
- Mon Ami
- Mon Cher
- Monk
- Monkey
- Monopoly
- Monster
- Montego
- Monza
- Moochy
- Moody
- Moonbeam
- Moony
- Moppel
- Moppy
- Mopsy
- Morax
- Morchen
- Mordio
- Mores
- Mörfie
- Moritz
- Mork
- Morocco
- Morpheus
- Morri
- Morris
- Morio
- Mortimer
- Moses
- Moskito
- Mosquito
- Moto
- Mouton
- Movado
- Movie
- Mow
- Mozart
- Muck
- Mudd
- Muddles
- Muffel
- Muffin
- Muffy
- Mugsy
- Mulberry
- Mulder
- Mumbles
- Mumpel
- Mumpi
- Mumpitz
- Muncher
- Mungo
- Mungojerrie
- Munka
- Muphin
- Muppet
- Murli
- Murphy-Murphy
- Murx
- Mutabor
- Mutt
- Muzius
- Myckos
- Mylo
- Mylord
- Myron
Unique M Dog Names
Since many dog lovers are naming their dogs with names that begin with M, you might want your dog not to fallout.
Here is a list of unique dog names you aren’t likely to hear at the dog park anytime soon!
These names can be given to both male and female dogs.
- Miko-It is of Japanese origin meaning child of God.
- Mardi-A name of French origin meaning Tuesday.
- Mintie-A name of English origin meaning Diminutive Form of Aminta.
- McCloud-Scottish Dalriadan clans meaning son of Lead.
Others include:
- Miyo
- Marlo
- Mio
- Mumbles
- Monroe
- Magnet
- Miri
- Malone
- Malu
- Munja
- Moonie
- Mascot
- Marze
- McAllister
Tough M Dog Names

Do you have a dog with a commanding presence?
Below are some few tough dog names that begin with M.
- Master
- Major
- Marshal
- Marine
- Magneto
- Maverick
- Mad Max
- McGruff
- Motor
- Mako (like the shark)
Foodie Dog Names Starting With M.
A dog with a name inspired by food, maybe one that you love.
So here are some few foodie dog names that begin with M
- Meatball
- Muffin
- Maple Syrup
- Meatloaf
- Marshmallow
- Martini
- M&M
- Macaroni
- Milkshake
- Mojito
Funny M Female and Male Dog Names
Choosing the right M name for your dog might also reflect your own personality. Maybe you are into movies, get called funny by your friends or you just have a positive demeanor. Choosing a funny dog name that starts with M could be good for you.
- Mailo-A name of Spanish origin meaning Pleasant, kind, second-born.
- Maito-It is of Indian origin meaning Dog.
- Makoy-It is of American origin meaning Thanks.
- Malevo-A name from Southern Cone,a masculine noun.
- Malfoy-A name referring to Draco Malfoy. Draco is the first name is Latin for dragon.
- Marlon-A name of American origin meaning Little Warlike one.
- Marvel-It’s of French origin meaning to wonder, Admire.
- Mary Puppins-Refers to Miss Charlotte Stevens Owner.
- Mac N Cheese-Macaroni and Cheese of the United Kingdom, U.S.
- Medusa-A name meaning cunning. It’s of Greek origin.
Other names include;
- Maggot
- Magnum
- Mai Tai
- Malteaser
- Marple
- Margarita
- Marzipan
- Maybelline
- McFluffy
- Mogg
- Mazzie
- McDoggins
- McFly
- McGruff
- Mein Hair
- Mendoza
- Merle
- Merlot
- Methane
- Mezcal
- Milord
- Mint Humbug
- Miss Furbulous
- Mister Fluff
- Mister Miyagi
- Mittens
- Mophead
- Mormon
- Mouse
Other Good M Dog Names(Breed Specific).
If you have a specific dog breed, the collection of M-names below can be handy for your name search inspiration
Dog Name Breed Gender
Name | Breed | Gender |
Maaya | Siberian Husky | Female |
Maayraa | Pug | Female |
Mabel | Rottweiler | Female |
Mac | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Macc | Miniature Pinscher | Female |
Machilline | Dobermann | Male |
Macho | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Mack | Rottweiler | Male |
Macky | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Maco | Indian Pariah Dog | Male |
Macro | Boxer | Male |
Maddona | Neapolitan Mastiff (Italian Mastiff) | Female |
Maddy | Rottweiler | Male |
Mafia | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Magento | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Maggi | Pomeranian | Female |
Maggie | Golden Retriever | Female |
Maggie puggy tipsy | Pug | Female |
Maggy | Pug | Female |
Magi | German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian) | Female |
Magic | Miniature Pinscher | Female |
Magie | Labrador Retriever | Female |
Magik | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Magnium | Mastiff | Male |
Maha | Mixed Breed | Female |
Mahi | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Maira | St.Bernard | Female |
Maisee | Labrador Retriever | Female |
Major | German Shepherd Dog (Alsatian) | Male |
Mak | Labrador Retriever | Male |
Dog Names A-Z
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Dog Names Ending…
- Dog Names that End with ER
- Dog Names that End with IE
- Dog Names that End with Y
- Dog Names that End with O
1,2, 3 Syllable Dog Names
Dog Names Meaning…
- Male & Female Dog Names that mean Survivor.
- Dog Names that Mean Loyal, Devoted, Trusted/ Reliable
- Dog Names that Mean Calm, Quite or Peaceful
- Dog Names that Mean Love & Valentine Inspired Ideas
- Dog Names that Mean Hope & Faith
- Dog Names that Mean Happy & Joy
- Dog Names that Mean Blessing
- Dog Names that Mean Protector, Defender, Guard for Female & Male Pet Canines
- Dog Names that Mean New Beginning
- Dog Names that Mean Bear-Famous & Breeds that Look like Bears
Themed Dog Names
- Biblical Dog Names
- Nautical Dog Names
- Fat Dog Names
- Witch Dog Names
- Coffee-inspired Names for Dogs
- Mountains, Hills & Valleys Dog Names
- Tree-Inspired Names for Dogs
- Flower Names for Female and Male Dogs
- Ghetto Names for Gangster Dogs
- Gun-inspired Names for Dogs
- Best Unisex Dog Names
Dog Names by Breed
Dog Naming Tips
Other Pet Names & Ideas